Conscious Constraints

How does an emerging brand grow beyond logic and reason?
By speaking to the subconscious 🧠.
The subconscious controls actions that the conscious can’t articulate. For instance:

Do you know what a Bowman’s capsule does?
Even without you knowing or controlling its function, your bladder bouncer intuitively knows what to do. Our conscious mind needs a medical degree earned over 11-18 yrs, yet our subconscious regulates our bodies without one. The latter holds immense influence and storage capacity.

To apply this to business…
Most companies focus their sales + marketing efforts on appealing to the conscious mind: rational thinking and logical reasoning. As a result, they cap their growth to what’s ‘reasonable’.

We are so much deeper than our conscious minds.

Focus your brand on reaching the real mastermind: the subconscious, which speaks the language of FEELINGS. Intuition, gut feeling, the space that lives beyond reason, whatever you want to call it…this is where consumer decisions move beyond pure procurement (price + convenience). It’s where logic-defying business growth happens.

Want to chat about building premium perception for your product?
Say hi @


Potatoes + Positioning


“As Seen on TikTok”