F&B Fortune Telling: Brand Design

Here’s how you peek into the future of CPG brand design:
Study emerging fashion.
What’s the connect?

1) Consumers spend their $$$ in ways that affirm their aspirational identities
2) These aspirational identities are realized with products that span industries

Both food + fashion are a means of self expression. Trends in one flow to the other.

💥 The maximalist CPG packaging that became the design du jour in 2020?

Lines up with the ascent of 'dopamine dressing' during COVID i.e. bright colors, groovy shapes, checkerboard patterns. The state of the world was gloomy, so consumers filled their personal worlds with explosively joyful things.

🤫 The swing of the fashion pendulum towards 'quiet luxury' in the years since, along with its recent offshoots, like 'office siren core'?

This has translated to a trend towards understated CPG brand design i.e. big washes of color, fewer illustrative elements, less decorative font types, and discreet luxe touches. See: Potluck, Visitor Beer, Sauz.

If you work in F&B, study emerging fashion.
If you work in fashion, study emerging F&B.

Want to chat about putting your brand ahead of the cultural curve?
Say hi @ hello@bigdopamine.com


Small Scale, Big Flex


F&B Fortune Telling: Cardamom