F&B Fortune Telling: Cardamom

If you know us, you know that we watch consumer behavior like a cheetah watches its prey on the Serengeti. Here's one for our F&B friends:
Cardamom is the new cinnamon.

Accessible enough to have cross cultural appeal (see: cardamom buns in the nordics; cardamom chai in South Asia) AND exotic enough that early adopters want to champion it.

If cinnamon is the skinny jeans of spice, cardamom is its slouchy denim sibling.

Some F&B brands that have been been building cardamom into their product assortment for inspo:
🥤Corpse Reviver + Punchy
🍦Green Girl Bakeshop
🍫Raaka Chocolate

An aside on cinnamon for our fellow marketing nerds -- 'selling snake oil' could well be traded for 'selling cinnamon'. Early cinnamon salespeople grew demand for the spice by telling tales of cinnamon sticks being harvested from exotic bird nests, built on treacherous cliffs. Oh, the power of perception.

Want to chat about building cultural cache for your CPG brand?
Say hi @ hello@bigdopamine.com


F&B Fortune Telling: Brand Design


Embrace Stupid